Cigar Rolling Experience

It's back! The best cigar rolling experience in Ybor City.

Learn how to make premium hand made cigars from start to finish. During the La Faraona Cigar Rolling Experience you will make 10 Cigars from leaf. The cigars will be pressed and then you will apply the wrapper leaf. You will take home ten cigars that you made! A beverage of your choice is included.

This hands on class is limited in size to make sure that everyone gets attention and help. To sign up order the Cigar Rolling Class in our store, you can schedule an available time. This approximately 3 hour classes cost just $200.00 per person.

Specialized training or special times can be arranged, but may have an additional cost. Please call 978-648-1422 or message us for more information.

Click Here to Schedule your Class! Order Now 

Full cigar rolling class
Cigar rolling class graduates